Places of Remembrance in the Bavarian Quarter Walking tour

The monument “Places of Remembrance in the Bavarian Quarter: Exclusion and Dispossession, Deportation and Murder of Berlin’s Jews Between the Years 1933-1945”
The tour through the streets of the Bavarian quarter recounts the tragedy of the persecution and murder of German Jews during the Nazi regime. 16,000 Jews lived in this quarter, among them Albert Einstein, Gertrud Kolmar and Erich Fromm. The fact that about 6,000 of them were murdered caused the district’s municipality to invite in 1993 the couple of artists Renata Stih and Frieder Schnock to create a monument in their memory.
The artists selected 80 anti-Jewish laws from 1933 to 1945 and created 80 plaques that they hung on street lamps. Each of the panels has a text with a date on one side that refers to anti-Semitic measures and a simple pictorial representation on the back. These laws are evidence of the persecution of German Jews and the collaboration of German society with the Nazi government.
By telling the personal fates of various families who lived in this district, we learn a lot about the fears, worries and needs of Berlin’s Jews.
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