The Jewish heritage Tour Walking tour

The “Jewish Tour” is dedicated to Jewish life in Berlin before, during and after Nazi rule. We will first look at the beginnings of the Jewish community in Berlin, how it came about and how it gradually grew. We’ll talk about the most famous members and the congregation in its heyday. In addition, you will learn about the influence of the Jewish community on life in the city.
We’ll examine how this vibrant and peaceful community was suppressed and ultimately systematically destroyed under the regime of Adolf Hitler.
During the tour we will visit the following places:
The place where the first synagogue in Berlin stood
The Block of Women-Protest Memorial
The destroyed Jewish cemetery and Moses Mendelssohn’s restored tombstone
The memorial to the 55,000 murdered Berlin Jews
The Moses Mendelssohn Jewish High School
The New Synagogue

Jews have lived in Berlin since its founding in the 12th century and have been expelled from the city several times. Come on an exciting tour of important Jewish historical sites and see powerful memorials that commemorate this important community and its destruction during the Holocaust.

Jewish High School, Rosenstarsse Memorial, Memorial for the Berlin Jews in the Bavarian Quarter, Deportation Memorial Grunewald Freight Station with Track 17, House of the Wannsee Conference
Get in Touch
For reservations, Please Call
+49 (0) 177-7973892